Empowering potential

Your gift, today, will help us continue making life-changing friendships and empower the potential of Kansas City’s youth.

Important information:

  • Legal Name: Big Brother Big Sisters Kansas City
  • Tax Exempt Status: Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
  • Tax ID Number: 43-6068464
  • State of Incorporation: Missouri
  • Address: 1709 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO 64108

Below are several options to make lifetime gifts:


Donating cash, no matter the amount, empowers the potential of Kansas City LITTLES! Should you desire to make a recurring gift, please become one of our Match Makers.


Naming Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City as a recipient charitable organization for you donor advised fund is a way to give during your life. Contact the sponsoring organization of your donor advised fund to initiate distributions to Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City.


Giving appreciated stock or securities can be more beneficial than giving cash. Your gift of appreciated stocks or securities are promptly sold and the proceeds therefrom are used to support Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City. If you have held the securities for more than 1 year, you may qualify for an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of gift and minimize or eliminate capital gains tax when the securities are sold.


Donating Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is becoming a more popular. Your gift of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency is promptly sold and the proceeds therefrom are used to support Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City. If you have held the Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency for more than 1 year, you may be able to deduct up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Any excess deduction could be carried over for up to 5 years.


Transferring real estate, such as a personal residence, vacation home, farm, commercial property or undeveloped land to Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City is a generous gift that helps us continue our work and benefits you. If you have held the real estate for more than 1 year, you may qualify for an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the real estate on the date of gift and minimize or eliminate capital gains tax when the real estate is sold. To donate real estate, you can deed the property directly to Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City by the execution of a deed that is effective upon the recordation thereof.


Attending Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City signature fundraising events raise awareness of our organization’s impact.


1. Contact Us.

The best way to have a BIG impact on the futures of LITTLES is to have a conversation with Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City development team. Please contact Tiffany Stuck at (816) 777-2872 or [email protected] to get started.

2. Engage Professionals.

Prior to making a donation, you should your consult with your financial, legal, and tax professionals for advice specific to your situation. Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City does not provide financial, legal, or tax advice. The content of material set forth above has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, financial, legal, or tax advice. You may not rely upon the content contained herein for any decisions that you make with respect to any current or future donation or contribution to Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City.

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