Big Brothers Big Sisters and the NFL Inspire Change Foundation launch 3rd Annual ‘Big Draft’ campaign
January 10, 2022

Each year, Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City (BBBSKC) teams up with the NFL Inspire Change Foundation for the Big Draft, presented by Honeywell, to new Bigs for the waiting kids in their program.  This is a nationwide campaign that happens in cities across the country.  The goal of the Kansas City office is to draft 400 new Bigs from January 10-April 30, 2022.  New Bigs that sign up during this timeframe will receive exclusive opportunities with the NFL Inspire Change Foundation and the Kansas City Chiefs.

“Draft day is often one of the most important days in the life of a pro football player,” said Micheal Lawrence, CEO of BBBSKC. “It’s a day when their new team says, “You’ve got what it takes,” and their lives are changed forever.”

In Kansas City, over 200 local kids — called ‘Little Brothers’ or ‘Little Sisters’ — are waiting to be paired with a mentor — called ‘Big Brothers’ or ‘Big Sisters’.  In 2022 we are expected to enroll an additional 400 kids, so we need help.  Additionally, we have identified 53 kids that have been waiting for the longest or are in a high need area that we have an urgent need to get matched as soon as possible. 

“When we draft a Big, it’s not just their life that is changed forever, but the life of their Little, too,” said Lawrence. “We’re ready and excited to recruit the next class of life-changing mentors.”

How it works

Starting today, BBBSKC is launching a comprehensive effort to recruit new Bigs.  Individuals that participate by becoming a Big or drafting a friend to become a Big are entered to win a flyaway trip to a Chiefs game in 2023.  Including airfare, hotel, and premium tickets. 

For more information on becoming a Big or drafting a friend to become a Big, visit


Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City (BBBSKC) works to clear the path to a child’s biggest possible future by matching them with a caring, adult mentor in a one-to-one friendship.  “Bigs” help “Littles” ignite, empower and defend their potential by standing with them.  Last year, 99% of the Senior Littles graduated high school, 83% reported improved self-esteem and 71% reported improved grades since being matched.  For more information about BBBSKC, visit

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