Including a provision for Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City in your estate plan is the ultimate way to continue investing in your values even after you’re gone. You can find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and create a legacy of defending the potential of Kansas City’s youth. Below are a few easy options to structure a charitable estate gift:


Name Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City as a beneficiary in your will. Your bequest can be for a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.


Naming Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy is as simple as filling out a form with your plan administrator. And it is easy to change later if your needs evolve.


Designating Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City as a beneficiary on your IRA, 401k, or other retirement plan is another simple way to leave a lasting impact. If you are writing an estate plan that includes both BBBSKC and your own children, it may be beneficial to name your children on your life insurance policy (a tax-free benefit for your children) and name BBBSKC on your retirement policy, which would be taxable for your children but not for BBBSKC.


The best way to have a BIG impact on the Littles of the future is to have a conversation with Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City planned giving staff before you start creating your plan. Please contact Tiffany Stuck at (816) 777-2872 or [email protected] to get started.

Bring in the professionals.

With any gift planning option, consult with your financial and tax professionals for advice specific to your situation. Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. The content of material set forth above has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, or accounting advice. You may not rely upon the content contained herein for any decisions that you make with respect to any current or future donation or contribution to this agency. Instead, you should consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors or financial planners before making any contribution to BBBSKC or planned contribution.



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