
Engagement Chairs: Loryn Polo & Anthony Valles
Engagement vice chair: Paul Silvio

The Engagement Committee coordinates social event locations, plans the end-of-year board celebration, fosters new member engagement, and tracks attendance and member expectations.

• Plan locations for socials and end-of-year board celebration
• Foster new member engagement
• Track attendance and message members who missed a meeting


Recruitment chair: Mackenzie Peters
Recruitment vice chair: Kate Marxkors

The Recruitment Committee drives board-wide efforts to generate 100 leads for the agency—focusing on recruiting Bigs—by ensuring that all BIG members schedule 1 Lunch & Learn, assist BBBSKC’s Community Outreach team with volunteer needs, and host 1 annual Big recruitment event.

• Make sure all BIG members schedule 1 Lunch & Learn
• Drive goal of generating 100 leads (preferably Bigs) for the agency
• Assist BBBSKC’s Community Outreach team with volunteering as needed • Host 1 Big recruitment event
• Report on “Refer a Big” efforts throughout the year


Program chairs: Chad Gerdes & Megan Heyen
Program Vice chair: Charlie Mosher

The Program Committee organizes key annual events, including securing 10 hosted trunks for Trunk-or-Treat, securing volunteers and gifts for the Graduation Party, and recruiting 10 companies to participate in BBBSKC’s Career Fair.

• Trunk-or-Treat: host 10 trunks
• Grad Party: volunteer and help with setup and teardown, secure gifts based on budget • Career Fair: find 10 companies to host booths
• Volunteering at Match activities as needed


Events Chair: Michelle Fontes
Events Vice chairs: Shannon Kilkenny & Dania Isidro

The Events Committee ensures all board members are engaged with BBBSKC special events. They will ensure all members serve as Summer Bowl for Kids’ Sake captains and recruit at least 1 additional team, complete their 2 concierge shifts, stay informed on RISE volunteering opportunities, and secure silent auction items for the Most Wanted Auction. This committee is responsible for planning 1 BIG fundraising event that benefits the MWA (eg. Music Bingo at Tanner’s or Bingo Night at Hamburger Mary’s).

• Make sure everyone is a SBFKS captain and recruits 1 additional team
• Make sure all board members sign up for 2 SBFKS concierge shifts
• Communicate details on RISE volunteering
• Make sure every BIG member secures a silent auction item for the MWA • Plan 1 BIG fundraiser benefitting the MWA

Engagement (not an option to first year members)
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