Out of the 1,031 current Active Matches in Kansas City, there are a handful that have been matched for over a decade. Big Sister Amy and Little Sister Alayna are one of those decade-long friendships, being matched for 12 years. Read below more about their inspiring friendship and what the program has meant to Amy, and her advice to prospective Bigs.
Why I Became a Big
I signed up to become a Big over 12 years ago, in my early 30s. I didn’t want my own kids, but felt a strong desire to give back to my community. Working for companies that valued community involvement and being far from my family in Chicago, I saw this as an opportunity to explore Kansas City and provide new opportunities for a young person. When I saw Alayna’s profile, I knew she was a good match for me.
The Need for Mentors
The saying “it takes a village” couldn’t be truer. With so many single mothers raising children alone, the need for mentors is critical. Alayna’s father passed away, and her mother was struggling financially. Mentoring opened my eyes to the need for mentors and reinforced my commitment to being there for Alayna.
Sharing Life Milestones
Joining the Girl Scouts eight years ago had a significant impact on her, teaching her valuable skills and providing enriching experiences. To this day, we both still volunteer at the summer camp. Our annual anniversary trips—visiting places like Chicago and Key West—have also created cherished memories.
Building a Lasting Friendship
Our friendship has endured because of consistent effort. In the first year, I made it a point to pick Alayna up every Saturday. She attended all my niece’s birthday parties, becoming a part of my family. Our common interests and shared experiences, even during tough times, have strengthened our bond.
Advice for Prospective Bigs
My advice to other Bigs is to be the person you needed when you were young. If you have the time, why not give it to someone who needs it? Step out of your bubble and show compassion. Volunteering is a small investment in our community that yields significant returns. Kansas City is already wonderful; let’s make it even better by giving back.